Playing with Emotion Recognition and VR

My capstone students have their project accepted as a Demo at the 2021 ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences (IMX). Great Work using Oculus Quest VR headset and Emotiv BCI.


We present a virtual environment designed to emulate social interaction and improve mood. The virtual environment takes the form of a restaurant in which users hold a conversation with a virtual patron. Built-in the Unity3D engine and experienced in an Oculus Quest Virtual Reality headset, our program communicates with an off-the-shelf Electroencephalogram (EEG) headset to gather user affective states. Affective states trigger changes in lighting, sound, and conversation topics in real-time. The changes made to the environment reflect relevant psychology research to improve the user’s mood.



B. Hang, S. Loucks, P. Patel, K. Wiseman, and J. Gonzalez-Sanchez, “Exploring Affect Recognition in a Virtual Reality Environment,” in Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences, 2021, pp. 326–328, doi: 10.1145/3452918.3467671.