Multimodal Detection of Affective States: A Roadmap Through Diverse Technologies

We are presenting a tutorial at CHI2014.

ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Toronto, ON, Canada. May 2014
2-session(s): Apr 29, 9:00-10:20 and Apr 29, 11:00-12:20 (Room 711)

This course presents devices and explores methodologies for multimodal detection of affective states, as well as a discussion about presenter’s experiences using them both in learning and gaming scenarios.


One important way for systems to adapt to their individual users is related to their ability to show empathy. Being empathetic implies that the computer is able to recognize a user’s affective states and understand the implication of those states. Detection of affective states is a step forward to provide machines with the necessary intelligence to appropriately interact with humans. This course provides a description and demonstration of tools and methodologies for automatically detecting affective states with a multimodal approach.


  1. Describe the sensing devices used to detect affective states including brain-computer interfaces, face-based emotion recognition systems, eye-tracking systems, and physiological sensors.
  2. Compare the pros and cons of the sensing devices used to detect affective states.
  3. Describe the data that is gathered from each sensing device and its characteristics.
  4. Examine what it takes to gather, filter, and integrate affective data.
  5. Present approaches and algorithms used to analyze affective data and how it could be used to drive computer functionality or behavior.

This course is open to researchers, practitioners, and educators interested in incorporating detection of affective states as part of their technology toolbox.


These are the slides of the tutorial, comments are more than welcome.




Gonzalez-Sanchez J., Chavez-Echeagaray M.E., Atkinson R., and Burleson W. (2014). Multimodal Detection of Affective States: A Roadmap Through Diverse Technologies. In Extended Abstracts Proceedings of the 2014 ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI). Toronto, ON, Canada. May 2014. ACM. pp 1-2.
