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I served as a chair of Xotchilt Castrillo-Trinoco’s Graduate Supervisory Committee. She received the degree of Master of Applied Computing at Universidad de Guadalajara, campus La Cienega.

This thesis was successfully defended on January 2006.


“The radio took 50 years to reach 50 million people, television took 13 years to reach 50 million people, and the Internet has taken half that time, about six years or so, to reach 100 million people. We are reaching enough fiber each day to give him two times around the world. Internet traffic doubles every 100 days. The borders are disappearing and this is an irreversible trend, whether border customs, monetary, political or ethnic: all are coming down” –C. Michael Armstrong, Executive Director  of AT&T

Thesis Book

This are the first nine pages of Xotchilt’s thesis (in spanish).