I am presenting a short talk at the 38th Conference of Research and Development by Tecnologico de Monterrey (CIDTEC) in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. January 23-25, 2008.
This paper is about an Eclipse plug-in we are developing focused on facilitating teaching techniques and implications of parallel, concurrent and multicore computing. This plug-in could be improved to become a common developing tool. This plug-in builds inside Eclipse an atmosphere of visual programming based on icons. The tool allows students to create a visual model of a problem (by the interconnection of representative icons of atomic structures) building a graph that represent a complete programmable system. Then, automatically generates trust code of the problem in C/C++, inlaying the necessary elements of openMP or Pthreads for concurrent or parallel systems, to compile, execute and play the resulting system that match the reference model.
These are the slides for the presentation (some slides are in spanish), any comment is more than welcome.
type:poster; conference:Eclipse Conference; organized by:Eclipse Foundation
38th Conference of Research and Development by Tecnologico de Monterrey
Gonzalez Sanchez J., Chavez Echeagaray M. (2008). Eclipse plug-in to aid generating OpenMP and Pthreads code Through Visual Programming. Companion of the 38th Conference of Research and Development by Tecnologico de Monterrey. Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. January 23-25, 2008. Page 184. ISBN: 968-891-124-0.